The “S” word. Gosh, even saying that word can make you feel all icky inside, right? Unfortunately, stress is a daily part of each of our lives and while we cannot completely eliminate it, we can learn to manage it. So what IS stress exactly? I’m so glad you asked, friend. Follow along with me below and find out!!
Stress happens when we feel we cannot manage a certain situation effectively or feel that maybe we’ve even lost control. From a health perspective, there are essentially three types of stress; acute, chronic and episodic. These are all very different, as well as intriguing, but for the sake of time let’s focus on the basic culprits behind our “everyday” stress– pressure to perform, money, worry, uncertainty, change, etc. The list could go on forever for most of us.
First and foremost, it’s important to identify your unique triggers regarding stress. Everyone has different things that create stress in their lives. What’s stressful for you may be completely non stressful for another. The trick is finding out what your “things” are and figuring out how to manage them in the best way you know how. For this, I like to think of coaching my clients with a toolbox full of stress management tips and tricks– pull out what you need for your particular situation and then tuck it back into your box when you are done. Here are a few of my favorites:
The goal here is not to completely eliminate stress, but rather equip you with the right tools that will help you manage all the things that life throws your way. As your health coach, we will work together to create the perfect toolbox for you.
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